Магазин песен

«Drone and Nastya», версия #1

Стиль песни: Поп

Запрос: Про Дрона и Настю

Продолжительность: 03:08

Дата создания: 05.09.2024

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Drone flies high no lie
Nastya waves him by
Sky is clear and wide
Through the fields they glide
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Sunshine in her hair
Drone without a care
They make quite a pair
Love is in the air
Oh Drone and Nastya
Soaring in the sky so high
Drone and Nastya
Dreams they won't deny
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A click and a snap
Captured without a gap
Moments they entrap
In their sweet little map
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No one else around
Love without a sound
Feet off the ground
Peace they have found
Oh Drone and Nastya
Soaring in the sky so high
Drone and Nastya
Dreams they won't deny